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San Francisco, CA

Exciting Conference

Brightlane is a versatile and easy-to-use theme that can transform your scaling business with little effort. Made with care by HubSpot experts, Brightlane is responsive and customizable for your specific business needs.
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Fully Licensed Music Solution

TouchTunes is picking up the tab! TouchTunes is picking up the tab! All songs played from the jukebox are fully licensed, with a few business exceptions, ensuring all artists are paid fairly.


Customer Engagement

Our state-of-the-art jukeboxes are not just music players; they're a centerpiece that attracts attention and interaction. Coupled with the TouchTunes mobile app, your customers have the unique ability to control the music directly from their smartphones, engaging with your venue in a modern, fun way.


Generate Revenue

Get a digital jukebox installed in your venue at no cost to you, and earn a share of the revenue from all songs played in your venue. Installation and top-notch service are included with every TouchTunes jukebox.



Build your own jukebox

Discover what TouchTunes music can do for your venue

  • Choose the jukebox that best fits your atmosphere
  • Discover playlists and background music options 
  • See the music filtering options 

Create a music solution as unique as your vibe!

"Brightlane is a theme built with businesses in mind. It is cleanly designed, and has all the right modules to become the perfect website for your company!"

James T. Kirk
Business Owner

"Brightlane is awesome! Easy-to-use, drag and drop templates that can transform your scaling business with little effort."

Christine Chapel
Business Owner

"Brightlane is a theme built with businesses in mind. It is cleanly designed, and has all the right modules to become the perfect website for your company!"

Hikaru Sulu
Business Owner

"Brightlane is awesome! Easy-to-use, drag and drop templates that can transform your scaling business with little effort."

Pavel Chekov
Business Owner